I have another one on the needles in off-white. Shraddha is excited about it but keeps asking for me to make it pink.

Shraddha says, " I love my dog!" I enjoy fussing in the
garden and playing in the yard and my favorite thing there
is enjoying the flowers and avoiding the doggie land mines.
Shraddha loves fruit smoothies that we freeze into
"ice cream" pops. AKA "Apt tap" Shraddha can you say,
"I c e C r e a m?" ..... Uh huh..... "aaaapt taaaaap".
I love to see the bottem of my clean sink first thing in
the morning! With my cup of coffee right there next to it,
many thanks to Roger!!!! Then having some time for just
the two of us to visit while we watch the sunrise over the mountains.

BUBBLES with Bubbha and not needing to have her hair brushed on Saturday morning
- need I say more?
Mama loves sweet kisses from Shraddha ......
they are waaaaayyy better then the puppy and kitty licks she likes to share.