Unfortunately, I hadn't considered the nutritional difference between brown short grain rice and brown jasmine rice before but since I am working on the 100 Day Reality Challenge and eating more mindfully is one of my goals, this question comes at just the right time!
I always use brown rice now and was happy to see the Organic Brown Jasmine rice from Lundberg at our store. I also use the Organic Brown Short Grain from Lundberg too! Often I mix them as I like the stickiness of the short grain and the texture of the longer/medium grain.
It seems it is a toss up as to which is better nutrition wise. The short grain has 3 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein compared to Jasmine’s 2 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of protein. Jasmine has less carbs and a smidgen more iron. It may vary with different brands.
I love your articles Hope! It is just amazing to me how often we are pondering the same things at the same time. Thanks for the question!