- 1tsp margarine or butter
- 1.25 lbs fresh cherries (pitted or whole), strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries or peaches
- 3/4 cup milk
- 2 eggs
- 2 tsp vanilla
- 5 TBS powdered sugar
- 7 TBS flour
- 1/8 tsp salt
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Clafoutis: a fresh idea for cherries and berries
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Blogging Blessings: Friends, Family, and Chickens
2. Spiral Scouts! We love having a spiritually eclectic group of friends all working on earthy projects together. Here is Shraddha with her first Firefly award and award ceremony...
Jack and Shraddha are just pooped out from all the clay play and running around like airplanes. Here they are just enjoying the clouds flying by.
4. Chickens. Yeah, they are counted as a blessing ... maybe not in the same way others count them as blessings.... They are friends not food! Anyway... they are funny! And anything that makes me laugh is a blessing LOL!
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Meet Tiny, our feather footed friend. He just came out this week with his first crowing session! Congrats Tiny on being our FIFTH unexpected rooster LOL! And stay out of my grapes, man! Really seriously, ALL Y'ALL OUTTA MY GRAPES!
Watch Suki kitty try to casually slink by the chickens for a chance to roll in the Wisteria flower petals. We know who's yard it is now... and it isn't the dog yard.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Fun with Friends on Fourth of July
The water park was a blast! and so were the great times with great friends!
Blogging Blessings

- Thank you Beckie for sending so much positive energy and help my direction. I love all the sites and posts that you send my way but most of all for telling me about co-creating and exposing it to me over and over until it finally sank in.

- Thank you to Hope for being so connected with your own spiritual energy that you can create such meaningful and thought provoking posts. It just amazes me how you post on what I am thinking about and pondering at the moment.
- And thank you to the Universe, GUS (Greater Universal Spirit), God, Goddess, My greater self, __________<----or enter the diety of your choice here.... for the enfolding miracles happening in my life and for all the supportive souls that you have placed in my path.
From Lessons From Womon Gathering by Lady Rose
"Just for today I’m going to rememberI have the power and the wisdom within meto deal with whatever the day brings.I will let go of stress, worry, and angerand let healing and love flow through me.Just for today, one moment to the next.~ Lady Rose
To take care and honor self first, this is essential for all of us so we can do what we were meant to do in life as well as what we want to do each day and in order to nurture our loved ones and the planetAll emotions are welcome and honored within sacred space.I am valued, useful and needed, regardless of age or physical ability.I can laugh and cry and be wholeI am a healerI am safe, loved, nourished and empowered to set my boundaries."OHM SHANTI
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Family Time on Father's Day!

Some Shraddha time!

I never realized how much fun we would have with chickens. We are always so excited to run out and feed them leftovers and they jump all over us in excitement whenever we come to visit...especially when leftover oatmeal is with us.

Working on a badge there somewhere for Spiral Scouts.... We are noticing and taking pics of all the wildlife that wanders in our yard (at least for those that wait around for us to take a picture!)
This white butterfly loves our lavendar spearmint flowers. I wonder if the nectur is minty?