Saturday, November 24, 2007

The stupidest things I said this week.

I'm still not one that is big on Memes but this one just happened all on its own.

The top 5 stupidest things I have said this week....

5. "I'll just eat one Rice Krispies Treat." Fixed some yummy no gelatin RKTs after dinner today. So much for staying on track today.

4. Shraddha asks for her favorite Flinstone's vitamin at dinner time tonite, but we already had vitamins with breakfast. She insists over and over "I want a vitamin!". "Shraddha the vitamins are in your veggies!" Shraddha almost cries because she digs and digs in her veggies and can't find the vitamins.

3. "Ok, Shraddha, FINE. You can wear your nice shirt while you paint today, because the paints are washable." Can someone please tell me what they mean by washable? It sure doesn't mean stain free!

2. "Madhava, would you like to paint on the easel or the floor today?"
"Oh I like the floor!" Madhava says very eagerly.
"Great, I will be right back." I walk away to get his paper and come back to find Madhava painting the linoleum orange.
"You said I could paint on the floor!"

1. It's the day after Thanksgiving. I'm alone, the kids are with Daddy on the way home. There is a BIG sale, and a BIG coupon. I am really needing some Mommy time.... and I say to Roger,
"I'm just going to run into Michael's for a minute to get paint." What was I thinking?

TaDa List for today....
  1. I could see the bottom of the sink all day!
  2. Picked up all the toys.
  3. Washed more laundry to add to the huge clean laundry pile.
  4. Vacuumed, treated stains, and steam cleaned the entire front room.
  5. Spent quality time doing arts and crafts with Shraddha.
  6. Made a healthy dinner and Rice Krispies Treats for desert.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

YAY Shraddha!

Warning... the following post has content that might be too much for sensitive viewers. This blog post is made by the proud mother of a potty training toddler. Be appreciative that I don't post pictures.

Today Shraddha was having some Daddy time while I was at work. She told him that she was getting sleepy and it was time for a nap. He helped her over to the couch and she slept for 2 hrs! Then when she woke up she told him, "Come on Daddy, it's time to go potty!"

He took her to the public restroom. Without hesitation, Shraddha let Daddy put her on the BIG potty and she peed!

I just didn't believe it. I am always asking her to use the baby or the big potty at home and she ALWAYS says "no!" That must be the difference. He waits for her to ask and I ask too many times.

In disbelief, I asked if she wanted to go to the restroom with Mommy. And not only did she say yes but she very cooperatively sat alone on the potty! And for the greatest kicker.... she POOPED! Dry... Clean... Diaper alll day long!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Funniest things I heard this week..

10. "I'll call you back just as soon as I am done cleaning house"
9. "Excuse me parents, my eye is sweating!" Madhava says after some dirt gets flicked into it.
8. Be healthy, Drink Pomegranate Sake!
7. "Angela, call and let me know what weekends you want to work" Allison - looking for Physical Therapist to cover weekend time at the hospital.
6. " I saw the picture you had of Daddy in his panties on the blog. That is just wrong!" Madhava
5. Shraddha telling me about the scenery on the way to town,
" The baby birdy eats the bugs."
"That is right Shraddha!" Mama says proudly.
"And the cow eats the ducks"
"Huh?" thinking I just didn't quite get the last word...
"Ducks Mama! You know..... quack quack!"

4. Shraddha passes gas quite loudly... looks around and says, "Mommy did it!"
3. "Fried cheese is the shiznits!", Kimmiesue on
2. "You need to put the new diaper on before he sticks his finger in his butt!" Beckie coaching her parental units on proper Jack-jack diapering.

1. Tiffiny says last night during desert, "I never eat the end of the Banana, that the Bananus!"

It looks slimy yet satisfying, but really it is a vegetarian roll. NO, its not made with real vegetarians!

Las Chicas

Happy Birthday Beckie!

Excuse me, my eye is sweating.

"Excuse me parents, my eye is sweating." , Madhava says, after dirt flicked into his eye.
This morning for breakfast Daddy was serving up orange juice when Shraddha shouted, "NO, I WANT PINK OOOOOJUUU!" Good for Daddy for quickly avoiding a tantrum, saving the day and figuring out that I sometimes put my pomegranate juice in her orange juice. And good for Shraddha for figuring out a way to describe it since I never really told her what it was called!

Peek-a-Boo Shraddha! With her cuter then ever hairstyle! Sure, you sit still and leave the clips in for Beckie. Oh and by the way... she is just too cute to smile in this pic.

This is Shraddha's wreath that she so proudly showed me and then gave to Daddy! Her very cute pine cone turkey made it all of 5 minutes in the car before it became a pine cone rabbit! But Shraddha had fun crafting with the craftiest Mama ever, Beckie and sidekick, Danielle.

The kids had a great time wrestling and yelling in the office while Daddy was giving relaxing messages HA HA! Madhava did his best to entertain his rambunctious sister at Daddy's office while Mommy got to go....OUT! Nice sharing the Transformer camera Bubba!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Family Time!

We are all still recovering from some sort of virus, so we had a lazy day. Except for me! See below for my TaDa list. No wonder I am so tired right now.

The kiddos had a movie marathon this morning sprinkled with building castles with the megablocks, playdough time, and Latin dancing with Daddy (Shraddha was enjoying a dance contest on TV).

After lunch we all took a break and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Not too hot, not too cold. Sadie even perfected her jumping thru the tire trick with Madhava swinging on top! Bubba shared the tire swing with Baby! And we even got Daddy to help prep a little place for us to plant some Daffodil bulbs. Madhava helped mix the dirt and mulch and Shraddha helped Bubba stick the bulbs in the dirt and cover them.

My Tada list for today!

  1. I did some overdue spring cleaning in our bedroom, including steam cleaning the carpet and vaccumming the floor boards.
  2. Also washed and folded laundry.

  3. Washed 1/2 of the cat - the smelly half!

  4. Changed the linens.

  5. Picked the tomatos, zucchini, and eggplant. Watch out! I am armed with tons of zucchini!

  6. Made Sunday dinner: Tortalini with homemade Creamy Basil Sauce and veggies.

  7. Kept the bottom of the sink visable all day! - After Roger finished cleaning the last of the dishes from yesterday - THANK YOU HONEY!

  8. Packed our lunches for tomorrow.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Shraddha's World

The word of the day is.....


Could mean she is talking about the really silly appendage hanging off the back of her doggy friend. You know, the one that is hilariously funny to play with or pull?

"Sadie's tey-o hit Shraddha's eye!"

Could also mean she is talking about the thing from her toddler table set that is very convenient for pulling into the kitchen and climbing on to reach those items that were purposely put out of her reach. Also most awesome for sitting on and being a big girl at her little table.

"Shraddha helps Mama cook! Get my tey-o over there at the table!"

Shraddha do it! is another one of her favorite sayings. And be careful if you do not respect her wishes! Be sure to cover your ears, or be ready for a completely sad melt down.

She is doing a great job with being independent though. She is brushing her own teeth now with just a little bit of help from big brother or Daddy. Rarely will she let Mama help. She dresses herself, tips her head back so we can wash her hair without tears now! Climbs into her car seat or anyone else's seat other then her own as long as I am trying to catch her and put her in her seat.

Potty training is going well. She is more often then not, getting to the potty before any accidents as long as she is diaperless. There is the occasional leak, which she tells me about when she comes out of the restroom. "Swean it up Mama! Hear is a towel. Mama do it!" I walk over to her to figure out where. "Right der Mama. By your feet.... eeeewwwwww.... he he he he" as I take off my warm wet sock!

She loves to put lotion on herself and others. Especially loves Mama's lipstick/gloss, often rubbing the glitter from it on her hands nose and chin. Yesterday she kept turning off Bubba's movie so I had her put lotion on his feet to keep her occupied until the movie was over.

But her all time favorite activity at home....... Pestering Sadie dog. - Well, when Bubba is unavailable anyways!

Madhava has been being a great big brother. He helps her with washing her hands and getting her toothbrush ready. He has been doing a great job playing with her and sharing his toys even when he doesn't want to. Found him outside pushing her on the swing today! They were both so happy!

Shradda's movie review:

lets just say..... MORE SHOW WHITE!!!!! That would be Snow White. A bit scary in the beginning with the evil witch, but gets better as she gets to laugh at all the funny antics of the dwarfs. Thank you Beckie for that tape!

Can you name all 7 dwarfs?

Elmo's Blanket is also in the top five this week. Actually has been for the past 4 weeks in a row! More commonly known as Elmo in Grouchland but don't tell her that or the Grochketeer in her will rear its furry little head!

Ok.... well, I'm multislacking quite well at the moment, Off to clean house.

Word of the Day

Oh my gosh this is the funniest thing ever - Urban Dictionary
I don't usually blog on or about other sites because it isnt always relevant to our family blog.

But this is just so funny, and relevant anyway because it reflects the slang of the moment.
It also makes the mommy happy and that is a good thing.

bunched November 17
To be upset, or angry and to have one's panties in a bunch.
Sally's bunched because she doesn't have a date to the dance.
Tim's all bunched up because he didn't prepare for the board meeting.

pushing prize November 12
A gift for a new mother, typically an expensive piece of jewellery. "Pushing" refers to labour of childbirth.
So what did she get as a pushing prize?
She got a diamond ring, it's gorgeous!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Remembering summertime

October 2007

Reminiscing about the lovely summer we had while we were off on our summer sabbatical. (Ok so I just didn’t get to blogging almost all summer!)

Lots of lazy summer days playing in the sprinklers and mud.
Tons of tomatoes, zucchini, and eggplant and watermelon were eaten.
Much more to come from the looks of the garden!

We even made some nice getaway day trips to the coast, and to Avocado Lake.
Enjoyed some festivities during 4th of July and played and played and played outside!
So many good times with our friends!

We stayed cool inside eating Basil tomato sandwiches and fresh fruit smoothies and drinking chocolate mint tea all from our garden. We tried to keep the watermelon eating to picnics in the shade but that is what got us in the whole watermelon gardening mess in the first place! Stray seeds landing in my flowerbeds, grew faster then the flowers and weeds!
They would probably grow right on the cement if we didn’t wash them off our walkways!

And Zucchini! Let’s just say…. Don’t leave your car unlocked or I will stuff a bag of monster sized zucs in your backseat!

One of my favorite memories was resting back on the driveway with Shraddha, watching the clouds passing by and enjoying the summer breezes. We didn’t even need to say a word other than, “wow!”,while we soaked in all the summer sensations. We could smell the flowers, feel the wind, hear the leaves in the trees blowing, and just watch all the beauty all around us up on the top of the hill….. pure bliss.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Family Time!

I really need to vaccum and steam clean the carpet but everyone in the house is napping but me and the fish and I am not so sure they aren't napping too! So I am sitting down to post about Mother's Day.

But today was a blast! and I need to blog on that first!
We had a busy busy day today! Madhava painted ONE fence post before his arm was going to fall off (from pure boredom).Took longer to prep him to paint then it did for him to get tired of it LOL! Then he took on the job of entertaining Shraddha while Roger and I painted the fence posts. I still think entertaining Shraddha was a much harder job, but more fun. They were playing in the sprinklers and in the kiddie pool. Madhava was trying hard to keep his head above the 1 foot of water while Shraddha the Shark clobbered him. Then after they ate all the watermelon they could stand and were completely waterlogged they rode trikes. That was great fun until Shraddha got too frustrated and demanded Bubba push her around the property in her stroller. 4x4 hopping bumping stroller ride around our gofer holes and dog dirt mounds was screaming fun! The sprinklers that were forgotten were just too tempting for big brother and we ended our outside fun when Shraddha, self strapped into the stroller, was stuck out in the sprinklers. But I was very ready to be done painting fence posts anyway LOL!

Here is Shraddha waking Madhava up after naptime so they can go swing together with Daddy, notice her mouth is open wide so she can scream really loudly - just in case Bubba thought he could go back to sleep.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day May 13th, 2007
I haven't had a chance to post about my Mother's Day until now. After a nice French Toast breakfast by Roger, we all went outside to play. Ok well, Roger went out to bring our property up to fire code by doing some bushwackin' while Shraddha and I picked wildflower bouquets.

The weeds were so high and thick that we couldn't get to the flowers until a path was cut down at least not without stepping on any snakes! Shraddha was so excited to see the flowers... there were so many that the surrounding hillsides looked purple.

She was even more excited to get a chance to cut the flowers herself.

We broke out the Playdough and our new Mr. Playdough Head parts. One of the best toys we have ever bought! This is serious playtime as you can see, it goes on for almost an hour! The novelty still hasn't worn out she plays with it everyday that we are home.

Shraddha had to try the nose on herself just to make sure it was going to be a good fit.

Mother's Day Orchids!

Playing Opossum

Madhava was telling me yesterday that he would really like to see a opossum. I explained that they were sure to live out here but that I haven't seen even one. Then, of course, tonight I open my front door to see what the dog is barking at, to find a baby opossum hanging on the fence we put around our lilac tree.

Cutest little thing hissing at me and showing me his/her? 50 teeth when I got too close. But somehow decided it was ok to let me put it in my hat to bring in the house and show Madhava. I just now realized that those huge city sized rats that the dog/cat have been leaving at my front door were not really rats. It seems this opossum's siblings probably played possum and the dog/cat had their fun. This one here was the only one smart enough to climb UP!

Why was this little guy in my yard? I was thinking it was the dog food but since the first "rat" showed up we moved it. But our yard has a plethora of slugs, grasshoppers, frogs, lizards, mice and vegetation. A regular 'possum smorgasbord!

Here is the little marsupial in my hat and everyone but me the cat and dog are asleep. Check out that cute little prehensile tail.

Here are a couple other visitors that are not playing possum. A skink and blue belly lizard.

More posts to come.... Mother's Day pics, Mr. Play-dough Head, More on Potty training.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What am I doing today?

Well, besides spending lots of playtime and cuddle time with Shraddha, I broke out the paints and started on a picture that has been developing for some time. Shraddha enjoyed watching and painting with me. She went on and on about "Mama paint, Baby paint...MORE PAINT!!!! sigh.... I am cleaning the kitchen, the bathrooms and I hope to get to vacuum and do some yoga oh and finish planting my strawberries and herbs in my strawberry pot... nice and safe from gofers HA! but not babies LOL! I had to turn the A/C on it is HOT in here at 6pm 82 degrees and the sun shinning right in! - usually if I can make it thru 8pm I just need to open the windows.

This week I plan on...
1. hitting the gym - I even have a list of yoga classes.

2. Returning those library books for the kids - would have been cheaper to buy them by this point LOL.

3. Finding some time to play with my yarn.

4. Last and certainly not least.... make sure I have some structured meditation time every day. I certainly am meditative and receive much intuitive info during those times but it isn't structured where I can go deeper into meditation.

Funny how relevant this is with some conversations I have been having lately.

Evil qualities like desire, anger and hatred may arise in you at times but
they should not be allowed to take root in the mind. When someone comes to your doorstep with his baggage, if you receive him and start exchanging pleasantries, he will immediately enter and settle down in your house. On the other hand, if you ignore him completely, he will seek lodging elsewhere. Likewise, when evil thoughts arise, just ignore them. On the other hand, if you entertain them, they will rule over you. When you come across something evil, do not look at it, talk about it or listen to it; just ignore it. You should permit entry into your mind
only that which is sacred. Do not allow evil to enter. Only then can you attain peace. - Baba

Good Job Shraddha!

Shraddha pooped in the potty! Whoo HOOOO! I will spare you the pictures on this one.
But if you could just see how proud she was and her beaming smile. Funny how poop can make a mom's day a little brighter!

I gave her a big hug and two stickers. Where did she stick the stickers? Right on her diaper of course.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Family Time!

I just finally uploaded my pictures to the computer. I had this post saved as a draft since Monday!

Another Big Family Weekend!
May 5 & 6, 2007

Roger cleared out some high grass and made room to get the truck out and room to plant some trees! The grass was so thick and so high that you couldn't see if there were snakes. So it was totally inaccessable to us. And I have had enough of chopping up rattlesnakes for this month!

We purchased some trees that we have been wanting since we moved here!

Fuji Apple, Asian pear (Apple-Pear), Almond, Pomegranet, Cherry and Apricot. Redwood for the front yard.

I still have a bunch of herbs and strawberries to plant and even have some sunflowers starting to pop out of the dirt. I was just thinking it was getting late and I really wanted to get some basil planted when I noticed that all the little weeds where the basil was last year are actually basil seedlings YEAH! I have a TON!

We also went to a carnival for Centerville. I met a friend I haven't seen in 4 years! And remembered why it had been 4 years. Somthing about her husband being my ex's best friend. That is a little hard on a friendship. I think I was the one that just let it go. Plus she abruptly ended the conversation with a patronizing pat on my shoulder when she asked if I was working and I said that I was only working a few hours a week b/c I really wanted to be home with my baby. It is amazing to me how you can be so close to someone and have many of the same values and common interests - until you have children and go in opposite directions.

I am very lucky and happy to have the opportunity to surround myself with moms and friends that are supportive and that have the same parenting ideals that I have.

We went to play at a garden center and purchased some more plants and gofer bate. Blueberry Misty and Thompson seedless grapes YEAH! and chocolate mint YUM!

We decided we want a tree for shading the roof and the front yard but haven't picked it out yet.
Chinese Pistachio, Liquid amber? Ginko, Aspen? Silverdoller eucolyptus? maybe something that flowers? or a ornamental purple red plum? - ah maybe not by the front door. And we want a kumkwat tree and a meyer lemon! roses, jasmine, and gardinia.

I just could barely get the laundry clean and hung out to dry and all the meals (but breakfast) and all the dishes cleaned as well as watering the plants. between all that and babytime and time at the nursery.... I still didnt get the laundry folded. and I am stealing my sleeping time to get caught up on emails some peaceful time alone and blogging.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Ok, time to fly

That's right, I'm going back to making lists. I've got lists for everything. Nothing seems to get done if it isn't on a list. And why create a list when one has already been made. So, Flylady, hear I come!

I'm also working on a time log so I can figure out where all my time goes. I feel like I bust booty all day sometimes just so see that it looks I did nothing all day.

And I absolutely need to get back to yoga, working out, a regular meditation time and knitting and crochet . It is absolutely amazing how much creativity comes back when your house is in order. (Now to just keep it that way) I keep thinking about getting back to painting and already have the picture in my head.

Oh and blogging. LOL I need to update this page - I still have a snowy pic up there. And believe me it is NOT snowy here right now. Had the A/C running this past week! Tons of wildflower pics and beautiful yellow hills. Have to upload those tomorrow.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Babyfest is over!

Shraddha loved Gymboree and I was happy to steal some time away to play with her. Usually Daddy gets to take the kids to all the fun entertainment but this weekend he was in Indiana doing a seminar. Shraddha got to be in the Sling Fashion show but wasn't about to wave b/c she didn't want to drop her water!

WHEW! This year I was much more involved and somehow involved in many more projects! But it was a success! It was nice that we could reschedule the fest to this past warm sunny weekend. The weather had it in for us last weekend. We not only got rained out... we were full on WASHED OUT! We retained almost 70% of our vendors for the "re-do" and even had new ones sign up at the last minute! We even had our highest attendance ever with 1000 people.

Now I get to catch up with my house and my family. Roger says I was kidnapped by Babyfest!

Shraddha wasn't exactly selling T-shirts but she was wearing one! It was so warm she was sucking down Evian like crazy! She was even sweet enough to make sure I had some water too. "Mama wawa, Baby wawa"

To learn more about Babyfest see