Cutest little thing hissing at me and showing me his/her? 50 teeth when I got too close. But somehow decided it was ok to let me put it in my hat to bring in the house and show Madhava. I just now realized that those huge city sized rats that the dog/cat have been leaving at my front door were not really rats. It seems this opossum's siblings probably played possum and the dog/cat had their fun. This one here was the only one smart enough to climb UP!
Why was this little guy in my yard? I was thinking it was the dog food but since the first "rat" showed up we moved it. But our yard has a plethora of slugs, grasshoppers, frogs, lizards, mice and vegetation. A regular 'possum smorgasbord!
Here is the little marsupial in my hat and everyone but me the cat and dog are asleep. Check out that cute little prehensile tail.

Here are a couple other visitors that are not playing possum. A skink and blue belly lizard.
More posts to come.... Mother's Day pics, Mr. Play-dough Head, More on Potty training.
CUTE possum! I wouldn't have the guts to bring one in the house, it would be my luck it would get out of my hat :)
Yeah, it was a mellow little guy but then I started wondering if it would jump on to me... like up on my face. LOL!
I found one of these guys under a crab apple tree and he was the size of a mouse, since then he has gotten bigger and is a joy to have around. i would love to have more information on these little guys since they are different from the other ones in size, so if you have any other info like the size they will get or anything like that please let me know. Lisa
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