Tuesday, November 11, 2008

5 lesser known ways to trap a cat

5 lesser known ways to trap a cat..at least one of my cats....

purely for entertainment purposes LOL!

5. Leave the closet door slightly ajar

4. Change the sheets and TRY to make the bed.

3. Let the bathroom facet drip.

2. Sit on the couch and completely ignore the cat.

1. Scoop out the box. What cat can resist a freshly scooped cat box?

Whatever you do... don't call the cat, look at the cat or put out expensive cat food.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The adjustment period...First Week in new house.

Ok, so we have one whole week under our belt. Everyone is experiencing adjustments. The first night Shraddha was asking if she could go home. But we are all having comfort in each others presence. Heck, even the cats are all getting along and smooshing next to me. Dogs sleep and fart at my feet, and Shraddha is cuddling with me all night long. She laughs as I get ready for bed, she sings and teases... "I am on your side of the bed!"

Not really sure what to call this blog now... as we are not Woodland Foothill folks anymore. We are officially living in the suburbs. And it is nice. I am so glad that so many people pressured me to move even though I wasn't sure it was what I wanted to do. As a new found single mom. Yes officially posted as of now..... Life is much easier here in the City.

I am thankful for my sabbatical up in the foothills far from civilization. I had much meditation and time with nature and many conversations with the earth in which I learned so much about myself and grew stronger for it. Stronger emotionally and physically. It is quite jarring moving back into the real world. But I am ready and enjoying it. I love being closer to friends and that my commute has been cut from 60 min to 5 minutes. This has been much like a birthing process.... not easy...very painful... yet somehow all so worth it and I feel so much stronger knowing I made it through. So I hold on to my daughter and smile in our ability to be strong enough to make it through this process and flexible enough not to break when the heavy winds blow.

Many thanks to all my supportive friends and family! For you, I am forever grateful!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Remembering Baby Sai

I was blessed with his presence for only a short while but thankful none the less. I rocked him and sang to him and told him stories with Madhava on my lap that was growing smaller and smaller. He kicked like a kung foo master and I could see his kicks and punches and flips amazingly bulging through my skin. For whatever reason the Universe had for him or for us, he wasn't supposed to stay here very long. He was born at almost 5 months gestation either because of incompetent cervix or from placental abruption. His little body was strong and perfect and he looked exactly like his little brother. We only held him for a moment watching his heart beat through his chest and watching him practice breathing before the cord was cut and he left.

We remember him during my favorite season. We remember him when we play in the leaves and wait for the pumpkins to ripen. When the summer finally cools off and we start preparing for the holidays. I do not remember him with sadness, I am thankful for the opportunity to be with him.

So for all my friends that also have Angel Babies and for all those sweet little Angel Babies....

Let the wind be behind you,
Angels dance with you
And your consciousness
Guide you to victory.

Let the Angels, The Great Souls, The Avatars,
And all Incarnations of God
Pray for you.

Walk tall and bless all,
In your innocence with your love,
For each one's peace
And prosperity.

Remember what time wants;
Serve the needs of the time and space.
You will be sacred, exalted,
Beautiful, bountiful and fulfilled
-Yogi Bhajan

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Fresno Fair - It was a Blast!

We had so much fun with Beckie and Fam today! We were at the Fair during education days with GAGY lol Gist Academy for Gifted Youngsters. Here is Shraddha after winning a ribbon for a bean bag toss and sporting her I love you Honey sticker. Something new I learned today, that almost all the honey bees/worker bees are female. Beckie and Danielle, after Danielle won a ribbon for the bean bag toss.
There was a great kids pavilion there this year with fabulous kaleidoscopes just ask Jack, he didn't ever want to leave them.

Shraddha's favorite was the Tree House and the Pirate Ship. It was scary and at time the optical illusion was overwhelming and she would scream and hold my hand. Funny thing is she INSISTED, begged and cried to go back. So we did, with less crying the second time, thankfully.

Police motorcycles are FUN! Shraddha in the mist.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

What are we up to?

Well it seems it is 11:51 and I am still very much awake. Why would that be? Could it be the GINORMOUS Pepsi I had at 5:30 this evening? Yeah, I thought I was cutting out caffine from my diet? So besides that I am working and Tweeting and Stumbling and Mothering Miss Shraddha.

Seems she might be spending too much time at Beckie's house because on the drive home she insited that her last name was Gist. ****sigh**** She is sooooo funny. But look at how much fun she has been having! at TOT SCHOOL. She loves spending time with Beckie and family. She is so excited in the morning when she asks where are we going, and I say to Beckies!

Shraddha asks, "To see Jack?" yep "He is my friend."

"and Danielle?" Yes Baby and Danielle "YAYYYY!"

"and Dean?" Yes "He brings me rice and beans."

"And Beckie?" LOL yes, and Beckie, of course! "She loves me and I love her too"

I have to blog this as a Blessing because we are so blessed to be able to have such good friends to hang out with and to play with Shraddha when I am at work. The hardest thing in the world for me is to not be with her and have to be at work. It is so much easier for me knowing she loves to hang out with you Beckie.

I do very much love my job/career/calling as a physical therapist. I love helping people, but if not for financial reasons people... don't make me choose. Seriously, I almost walked away from my house because it is not worth more to me than time with her. Mortgage companies are nice right now though, helping me to modify my loan and have smaller payments. I may hang out here for a little while until I can sell. Still up in the air though.

It's nice having a house, way out here with a forest across the street and a waterfall and creek. Lots of place to play and have chickens and dogs. Tons of butterflies to catch and flowers to watch grow... Beautiful sunsets and sunrises all of which I can see from my dining room table while I have breakfast and dinner with the light in my life.

At the same time the drive, the maintence, the expense... just isnt what I planned on when I moved here. I never planned on needing to work more than 1-2 days a week and the plan was only for a little while.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Jazz up your Oatmeal!

We love oatmeal around here and it is so nutritious, but sometimes its easy to get bored of the same ol' thing. We can have plain oatmeal with a little brown sugar and soymilk for most days and love it ... then all of a sudden. Shraddha won't eat a single bite. So, I jazz it up!

Some of our classic favorites Oatmeal toppings are:

  • Brown sugar
  • Cinnomin
  • Sliced Almonds
  • Raisins and dried fruit (blueberries are YUM!)
  • Strawberry Jam
  • Maple Syrup

But even more fun is:

Spiced Oatmeal for two

  • 1 cup of Old Fashioned Oatmeal
  • 1/3 cup of raisins
  • 1 tsp of Pumkin Pie Spice* (or to taste)
  • 1 3/4 cup of water
  • Mix it all together in a microwave safe bowl. Cook for 5 minutes on 50% power. Sprinkle with some brown sugar and 1/4 cup of soy milk. ENJOY!

*Pumkin Pie Spice is a blend fo cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, allspice, mace and cloves.

To sneak in some extra nutrition and make it even healthier try:

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blogging Blessings

Here's to a sure fire way to cheer up!
It's been a while. I have really searched long and hard for something useful or interesting to say. And whenever I have trouble with that .... it means it's time to start blogging my blessings. Give it a try, it works wonders.

  • I love The Oneness Center. I am just so appreciative of a place here in Fresno that is jam packed of people with the same amount of openness to spirituality and similar spiritual direction as me.

  • So happy as always for all my friends. IRL and in Twitter-ville. Twitter, it's a blessing no an addiction.... no a blessing LOL!

    • And of course, my daughter and the fact that her father and I can adjust to all the changes in our family and keep things amicable just for her.

    Peace to you and yours,

    Sure fire way to cheer up! - pass it on.

    Feeling a little blue? Here are 10 things you can do!

    1. Go exercise. Get that blood flowing! Even if it is just for 15 minutes at first.
    What do you like to do for exercise?
    2. Get outside. Get some fresh air. Breathe it in and just appreciate that you can do that. Appreciate nature and just know that you are a part of a whole and not alone.
    Where is your favorite place to renew? Or your favorite thing to do outside?

    3. Blog your Blessings. Make a list of all the things in your life that you are thankful for. Fostering appreciation really does help change your mindset away from complaining. Did you ever find yourself more happy after complaining?
    What do you do to remind you of your blessings?
    4. Act happy. You do it at work. You do it for your kids. Even if you just have to pretend. What kinds of things do you do when you are happy? Go and do them.

    5. Stay focused on what you would like in your life and pretend they are on their way or already here, waiting for you to discover them. Make a vision board. Make a collage out pictures and words of what you would like to have in your life and post it where you can look at it and focus on it everyday. Name one of your goals.
    ` 6. Meditate. Let go. Quiet yourself and just be. Let the thoughts float by and let them keep blowing away like clouds in the sky. Eventually you can learn to be in the here and now... and you can find a peaceful place to rest and reset your thought patterns.How do you change your mindset when you are stuck in complaining mode?

    7. Volunteer. That's right focus on someone else. Or plan a party for someone.... focus on cheering someone else up.Where would you like to volunteer? or who would you like to help?

    8. Go socialize. Go to church, hang out with friends, visit some family... or just get out of the house. What is your favorite way to socialize?
    9. De-clutter. Clear some space for you. In your house, in your life. Try Flylady.net
    What spot in your house/life feels so much better when you de-clutter?

    10. Go on a spiritual journey. Whatever that might be for you. And remember you are a spiritual being experiencing a human journey. I love HayHouseRadio.com or HayHouse.com for inspiration from Louise Hay and other inspirational people.How do you fulfill your spiritual needs?

    Copy and paste to your blog and pass it along.... after you answer the questions LOL!

    What do you like to do for exercise?
    Where is your favorite place to renew? Or your favorite thing to do outside?
    What do you do to remind you of your blessings?
    What kinds of things do you do when you are happy?
    Name one of your goals.
    How do you change your mindset when you are stuck in complaining mode?
    Where would you like to volunteer? or who would you like to help?
    What is your favorite way to socialize?
    What spot in your house/life feels so much better when you de-clutter?
    How do you fulfill your spiritual needs?

    Sunday, August 17, 2008

    For ME?

    Awesome! Thank you Beckie! you rock as always!
    I pass this on to Kimmie Sue because she is brillantly funny and I love funny.
    you are funny too Beckie! But you already have the award ;)
    The obligatory silly questions about me..... here's your chance .... it rarely happens that actually answer...

    A. attached or single? Attached to my 3 yr old baby girl!

    B. best friend? BECKIE everyone should have a Beckie

    C. cake or pie?today it would be white cake with sprinkles

    D. day of choice? Tuesday and Thursday are Mommy-Baby days … all day!

    E. essential item? My cell phone, my laptop, car keys!!

    F. favorite color? purple

    G. gummy bears or worms? Uh no bovine cartilage for me thanks

    H. hometown? Squaw Valley, CA (no not THAT one … the one outside Fresno/Clovis)

    I. favorite indulgence? Cheese cake! Any flavor but lima bean.

    J. January or July? July! I love hot nights outside! January is too foggy

    K. kids? Yep, 2 of them bipedal type and 4 fury quadrupeds

    L. life isn't complete without? twitter.com

    M. marriage date? October 12th

    N. number of brothers & sisters? One younger brother, one half sister, 2 step brothers, and one adopted brother and sister.

    O. oranges or apples? Oranges

    P. phobias? I’m not beating that drum! But I will keep my space clear of rattle snakes. They have officially been invited to stay outta the yard.

    Q. quotes? “Before you speak, THINK - Is it necessary? Is it true? Is it kind? Will it hurt anyone? Will it improve on the silence? Sathya Sai Baba

    R. reasons to smile? CHICKENS especially when they run. Just try not to laugh!

    S. season of choice? Fall! I love Halloween, it's my Christmas. Dashing thru the leaves on a one horse open pumpkin…

    T. tag seven peeps!

    U. unknown fact about me? Dr. House rocks the house (did I just rhyme house with house?) KNOWN fact about me..what a dork!

    V. vegetable? Mushroom

    W. worst habits? Running late.

    X. x-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound as long as there is no probing!

    Y. your favorite food? Mexican mmmm Burritos! No carne!

    Z. zodiac sign? Scorpio on the cusp of Sagittarius

    Sunday, August 10, 2008

    Shraddha Sings Silly Songs Sunday

    Mama isn't up to blogging just yet, still adjusting to changes in Rahn Family life. So here are some videos from Shraddha.

    Happy BurDay (G)ramma!

    Wednesday, July 23, 2008

    Clafoutis: a fresh idea for cherries and berries

    The Cherry Claufoutis was originally made with whole cherries. The pit emits a nice almond flavor to the dish when cooked.

    Looking for something new and different to do with the abundance of summer time fruit?

    This recipe works great with fresh cherries and berries. Blueberry Clafoutis is my all time favorite, and I can't wait to try peach and berry clafoutis. Thawed frozen fruit will work and rinsed and drained canned fruit will also work in a pinch or the middle of winter.

    Claufoutis (pronounced kla-foo-TEE ) is a traditional French pudding. It is great served with whipped cream, ice cream, half & half or just a dusting of powdered sugar. Traditionally it is more of a dessert, but I have found it to be a great breakfast food and it sets nicely in the fridge.

    • 1tsp margarine or butter
    • 1.25 lbs fresh cherries (pitted or whole), strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries or peaches
    • 3/4 cup milk
    • 2 eggs
    • 2 tsp vanilla
    • 5 TBS powdered sugar
    • 7 TBS flour
    • 1/8 tsp salt

    Preheat oven to 350 F
    Grease baking dish with margarine or butter.

    Rinse and dry fresh fruit. ( for canned fruit: rinse and drain; defrost frozen fruit)

    Whisk together milk, eggs, vanilla until smooth (in a large bowl).

    Add powdered sugar 1 TBS at a time whisking until fully absorbed (reserve the last TBS for dusting before serving)

    Add flour the same way, whisking until smooth, adding the salt in at the end. The batter is a bit runny like a cake batter.

    Pour into dish and sprinkle fruit around evenly. Bake 50-60 minutes checking with a sharp knife the center to be cooked completely. The fruit may be very juicy and make it difficult to tell if it is cooked all the way. Another way to check is to cook until the center does not wiggle (like custard pie). Serves 6.

    **Please note when searching for Claufoutis recipes be sure to check alternate spellings like Clafoutis and Claufuti

    Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    Blogging Blessings: Friends, Family, and Chickens

    1. Birthdays! Happy Birthday Tiffiny! Had a great time at that party, and especially loved how Seren guided every single guest, one at at time during the evening to take us on the tour of the balcony. She is so sweet! As was that Pink Champagne cake Whoo!

    2. Spiral Scouts! We love having a spiritually eclectic group of friends all working on earthy projects together. Here is Shraddha with her first Firefly award and award ceremony...

    Jack and Shraddha are just pooped out from all the clay play and running around like airplanes. Here they are just enjoying the clouds flying by.

    4. Chickens. Yeah, they are counted as a blessing ... maybe not in the same way others count them as blessings.... They are friends not food! Anyway... they are funny! And anything that makes me laugh is a blessing LOL!

    Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

    Meet Tiny, our feather footed friend. He just came out this week with his first crowing session! Congrats Tiny on being our FIFTH unexpected rooster LOL! And stay out of my grapes, man! Really seriously, ALL Y'ALL OUTTA MY GRAPES!

    Watch Suki kitty try to casually slink by the chickens for a chance to roll in the Wisteria flower petals. We know who's yard it is now... and it isn't the dog yard.

    Sunday, July 06, 2008

    Fun with Friends on Fourth of July

    Here comes Jack and Shraddha...

    and there they go... and go and go and go...co-conspired to run away 3 times!

    The water park was a blast! and so were the great times with great friends!

    Blogging Blessings

    I am just loving all the spiritual support in this new transformation of sorts that my life, and my family's life seems to be going through. Just wanted to send out my appreciation and be sure to count my blessings.

    • Thank you Beckie for sending so much positive energy and help my direction. I love all the sites and posts that you send my way but most of all for telling me about co-creating and exposing it to me over and over until it finally sank in.

    • Thank you to Hope for being so connected with your own spiritual energy that you can create such meaningful and thought provoking posts. It just amazes me how you post on what I am thinking about and pondering at the moment.

    • And thank you to the Universe, GUS (Greater Universal Spirit), God, Goddess, My greater self, __________<----or enter the diety of your choice here.... for the enfolding miracles happening in my life and for all the supportive souls that you have placed in my path.

    From Lessons From Womon Gathering by Lady Rose

    "Just for today I’m going to rememberI have the power and the wisdom within meto deal with whatever the day brings.I will let go of stress, worry, and angerand let healing and love flow through me.Just for today, one moment to the next.~ Lady Rose
    To take care and honor self first, this is essential for all of us so we can do what we were meant to do in life as well as what we want to do each day and in order to nurture our loved ones and the planetAll emotions are welcome and honored within sacred space.I am valued, useful and needed, regardless of age or physical ability.I can laugh and cry and be wholeI am a healerI am safe, loved, nourished and empowered to set my boundaries."


    Tuesday, July 01, 2008

    Family Time on Father's Day!

    Catching up on posts!

    Thank you for being our Daddy!

    This is Madhava putting on the Madhava Show.

    Shraddha giving hugs.

    Hope you had a nice one!

    Shraddha saying goodbye to Daddy's truck.... off to be recycled.

    Just a couple of days later I was driving to work when I realized that the truck I had been following for miles, was filled to the brim with Daddy's chopped up truck! So weird!

    It was fun having you around to play on!