Well it seems it is 11:51 and I am still very much awake. Why would that be? Could it be the GINORMOUS Pepsi I had at 5:30 this evening? Yeah, I thought I was cutting out caffine from my diet? So besides that I am working and
Tweeting and
Stumbling and Mothering Miss Shraddha.

Seems she might be spending too much time at
Beckie's house because on the drive home she insited that her last name was Gist. ****sigh**** She is sooooo funny. But look at how much fun she has been having! at
TOT SCHOOL. She loves spending time with Beckie and family. She is so excited in the morning when she asks where are we going, and I say to Beckies!
Shraddha asks, "To see Jack?" yep "He is my friend."
"and Danielle?" Yes Baby and Danielle "YAYYYY!"
"and Dean?" Yes "He brings me rice and beans."
"And Beckie?" LOL yes, and Beckie, of course! "She loves me and I love her too"
I have to blog this as a Blessing because we are so blessed to be able to have such good friends to hang out with and to play with Shraddha when I am at work. The hardest thing in the world for me is to not be with her and have to be at work. It is so much easier for me knowing she loves to hang out with you Beckie.

I do very much love my job/career/calling as a physical therapist. I love helping people, but if not for financial reasons people... don't make me choose. Seriously, I almost walked away from my house because it is not worth more to me than time with her. Mortgage companies are nice right now though, helping me to modify my loan and have smaller payments. I may hang out here for a little while until I can sell. Still up in the air though.

It's nice having a house, way out here with a forest across the street and a waterfall and creek. Lots of place to play and have chickens and dogs. Tons of butterflies to catch and flowers to watch grow... Beautiful sunsets and sunrises all of which I can see from my dining room table while I have breakfast and dinner with the light in my life.
At the same time the drive, the maintence, the expense... just isnt what I planned on when I moved here. I never planned on needing to work more than 1-2 days a week and the plan was only for a little while.